I think I must have blinked & missed it
: /
So lots of catching up to do blog-wise, but I'll try to condense it as much as I can.
Despite having driven past it hundreds of times over the years, we had never visited the
Apple Museum at Grove, so with a bit of time to kill one day, we checked it out. Jasmine LOVED seeing the old machinery & learning about life in years gone by. We got a demonstration of a slinky machine (of which we actually have one, packed away in a box from our last move....somewhere) & Jasmine was amazed to see how many varieties of apples there were - certainly a lot more than the half a dozen or so types in the shops today! We definitely plan on going back when we have more time so we can really discuss all the different displays.
The jeans cake - a last minute change
from the castle cake she originally wanted |
The first week in April saw a big jump in Jasmine's understanding of phonics & her desire to learn more. We've had a subscription to Reading Eggs for a couple of years, but she's finally at the point of "getting it". She's also been copying words she sees around, even copying the different font styles which I found interesting. I'm also no longer "allowed" to type words into search engines for her - I am only allowed to tell her the letters to type :)
April was also Jasmine's 6th birthday, which I think has contributed to the leaps in learning - the 3 weeks either side of her birthday are always big for milestones. The most exciting thing for her was getting an aquarium & 3 fantails. She'd been asking for fish at least since her last birthday, so I decided this was a good time. She's been doing really well with looking after them, albeit a little heavy-handed with the amount of food given at times. We cleaned out the tank last weekend & we discussed the filter media & explained how that worked. She agreed that swimming around in your own poo & rotten food would not be very nice, so understood the importance of keeping the tank & filter clean.
A couple of cuties who share
South American heritage |
My Dad & his partner (Bump & Nanna Bump) came over from SA for Jasmine's birthday which was nice because she's so into spending time with ALL the family as much as possible (including ringing her other Nanna @ 4am for a chat - Nanna was not so inclined to chat at the time). We headed up to
ZooDoo one day - a place we had not been since her 2nd birthday. Apart from pet fish, the other critter she's been hassling for is a guinea pig. Oh, the excitement when we walked into the room with the guinea pigs & rabbits!!!! LOL Getting her out of there then presented somewhat of a challenge (we did go back later for a second look / cuddle, but I said no to a third visit - mean mum that I am ;) ). We went on to pat & feed some very friendly wallabies, but the emus were a bit too scary for her. We took the bus tour up the back of the zoo to feed the larger animals such as more emus, ostriches & camels. A rogue goat came along for the ride, which Jasmine thought was HILARIOUS!!! Of course, the goat ended up with most of the food, but he was much more gentile in his eating habits than the ostriches. After grabbing some food for ourselves, we checked out the tigers just in time to see them getting it on (nothing like a bit of privacy) & got to feed the lions - well, Kiara, anyway. Bakari was too busy sunning himself on what was a glorious Autumn afternoon. We then went back to the native animal section & Jasmine realised she was patting an emu & it was not attacking her, so that's one fear conquered. One final trip on the safari bus - complete with goat - and it was time to call it a day.
A mean looking wallie who was so gentle & friendly |
Feeding the wallie |
THAT goat ;)
Bengal tiger - I think this is Lena |
Getting over her fear of emus |
Kiara & Bakari enjoying a lazy afternoon rest |
Feeding Kiara |
We finally made it to one of the homeschoolers gymnastics sessions. At first, Jasmine refused to join the class for the older kids as all the instructors were male - something she's had an issue with since having a male instructor last year, although she's always been very wary of men in general. We headed to the younger group (more free play) & hung around there for a while. One of the instructors asked how old she was & I said 5 (well, she was for another 31 hours), so she was allowed to stay for that class. I mentioned the issue of the male instructors & he pointed out that one of the girls had just gone down to the other group, so we went back to check it out. What a difference an instructor makes! She loved the rest of the class! I was hopeful that she'd be happy to do that instead of the trampolining class so we could free up a day to do other things, but no such luck. She wants to add this class, not substitute one for the other. Dammit!!! But still, it's all the stuff she really enjoys doing, and it's a good activity on so many levels, so four classes a week it is! She told me today Bouncers is her faaaaavourite class, followed by Contemporary & Ballet. Mind you, she's still going to bed really late, so getting up in time for the homeschool gym class every week may be a bit of a push. We'll take it week-by-week & thankfully, it's a casual class anyway, so no biggie to miss lessons.
So this week's focus is on bees as Jasmine wants to know how bee babies are made. I found a great video on YouTube showing the
life cycle of honey bees & I've printed out pictures & facts about bees for her to make a lapbook or even a spiral bound book which she can look back on & add to later.
Apart from all of that, it's been lots of games online @ Nick Jr & Sesame Street, more YouTube vids on all sorts of topics, the time-telling PC-ROM that I've gone blank on the name of & lots of board games, particularly the Ladybug Game, Go Fish & Snap (she's such a cheater - LOL). Oh - and everything's a song at the moment! She makes up songs about everything & sings much of the day away. A bonus is always knowing where she is - and having a good belly laugh whilst admiring her abilities :)
OK, I'll finish up this post with one of her favourite pics. No wonder she can never hear what I say to her! ;)