Jasmine & her Dad cracked out the marble run and had fun trying to work out which configurations of blocks would result in marbles reaching the end of the run.
Different coloured blocks allow different paths, so if you get it wrong, it just won't work.
We've also been in decluttering mode this Winter. Although there's still lots to do, we did manage to get rid of a lot of stuff we no longer need & I've listed heaps on Facebook. We've got extra storage units & shelves installed, and we rediscovered the floor in Jasmine's room. We also removed 'The Fairies' wall mural at her request ("too baby'ish") and replaced it with a selection of her artwork from the last 3-4 years.
I was trying to work out what the strange cracking noise was from across the road one day. There are two large old pine trees.... which were filled with a flock of black cockatoos having a feed on the pine cones. Jasmine got with in a few metres & was in awe :)
And of course, endless conversations about the human body, geology, gardening, bill paying, recipe planning & all manner of things.
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