So hopping in my time machine to pick up where we left off....nearly 2 months ago.
The next thing I'd planned to tell you all about was the NAIDOC Week Aboriginal Art Workshop we attended at the Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery. As soon as I heard about it, I though it would be something Jasmine would love to do, but it was aimed at school groups. Never fear! Thanks to the power of Facebook & emails, I managed to round up enough kids to form a group & off we went.
It was a great day! There were 23 kidlets participating, between the ages of 3 & 14, with parents/carers in tow. Judith-Rose Thomas took the kids through some basic techniques that she uses in her landscape paintings before the children each got to have a turn creating their own masterpiece. Here's some of them drying ------>
Jasmine's is on the far right, second from the bottom. Judith-Rose was really impressed with her work :)
More importantly, Jasmine loved learning a new skill!
Len Maynard then spoke to the group about his clay sculptures and the use of symbols in Indigenous art. He told them there were many symbols used, but no one today knows the true meaning of these symbols. They look quite like Egyptian hieroglyphs - almost "other worldly" even - and there are large pyramids on the Eastern Shore of Hobart (which we have yet to visit). The mind boggles what the actual link is ;)
Using the same colour wash technique they learned in the landscape paintings, the kids then painted bookmarks which were pre-coated with a texture medium which then had copies of the hieroglyphs scratched in. Once the bookmarks were dry, they added a piece of string with a bead on the end and it was time to go home. Here are the two pieces that Jasmine created:

Jasmine declared it to be the "best day of (my) ENTIRE LIFE!!!!!!!" Ahhhh, to be 6 again :)
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